A.R.T. @ Whitechapel Gallery, London. Players: Scott Schwager, Paula Crickard, Ali Eisa, Jasper Joffe, Eugene Perera, Harry Leckstein, Natalia Skobeeva, Patrick Goddard and Orlando Harrison. Dealer: Kristen Lovelock. Art handling: Eiko Honda. Administration: Georgia Patience.
Whitechapel Gallery – Ali Eisa stake
Whitechapel Gallery – Art & Brandy
Whitechapel Gallery – Staked Art Polaroids
Players were able to buy, sell, swap, loan or stake art during the game. In order to allow for easy transfer of art, Polaroids of artworks were passed between players that were later exchangeable for the original works. For non-material works such as performances, promissory notes were signed by players.